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Bailey Middle School (Pensacola, FL)
celebrates National Punctuation Day®

See photos of the students celebrating National Punctuation Day

These are punctuation essays (unedited) written by students of Karen McVay, a language arts teacher at Bailey Middle School in Pensacola, FL.

They were written after Karen learned of National Punctuation Day in her local newspaper. She decided to spend the day concentrating on punctuation.

Why do I Need Punctuation?

“Punctuation is important because I’ll use it all through my life displaying how smart I am! And everyone wants to be smart!”

Why is punctuation important? Well, first of all punctuation is important because I use it. I plan to use it all through my life. Secondly, I need to use punctuation so I look smart.

First, punctuation is important because I’m going to use it all through my life. I’ll probably write letters to people. When I write messages to people I have to use punctuation or my message might get misunderstood. For instance, my friend wrote a letter to me, and she forgot to use punctuation. Trust me, reading her message was so frustrating! Plus, when I type I need to use good punctuation. What if I type a report for a class and I forget to use punctuation? My teacher will not think I’m too smart!

Additionally, I need punctuation so when others read what I wrote they will know I am intelligent. If I write a letter to a college and I forget to use punctuation, I’m not going to get accepted to that college. If the admissions officer just skims right through it and sees there is no punctuation at all they’ll probably just toss it in the trash. Then I would have done all that hard work for nothing.

So ask me again, “Why is punctuation important?” Punctuation is important because I’ll use it all through my life displaying how smart I am! And everyone wants to be smart!

— Alicia, age 11

Blowing in the wind

Punctuation has been very important in the United States since the Mayflower landed. Although we have grown as a nation since the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, we have kind of forgotten about punctuation. Sometimes it feels like we put all punctuation symbols on a balloon and let them go. While we watch it go up into the air we start to realize that we may never use it again. We have begun to slump all our words together and it sounds like we’ll just be slumping all of our words together for a really long time.

As I think of all the punctuation symbols I realize how much I don’t use them or how I use them incorrectly. I really don’t think many people use them unless you’re a Language Arts teacher. Ever since I visited the National Punctuation Day web site I have gotten better at it. I’m so glad the National Punctuation Day web site honors punctuation, so that we will always be reminded of its importance!

— Aly, age 12

Punctuation is Presidential

“Punctuation is an important detail of writing because if there were no punctuation marks, then people wouldn’t understand each other.”

Punctuation is important because it helps people understand remarks. For example, if I don’t include a question mark at the end of a sentence, no one would know it’s a sentence.

Punctuation also makes a document look fancy. If I added fancy writing and included correct punctuation everyone would think more of me. If people think more of me I would have a chance to be elected President of the United States.

Punctuation is an important detail of writing because if there were no punctuation marks, then people wouldn’t understand each other. We might not have houses or buildings; it might be the end of modern civilization, as we know it.

— Andrew, age 11


Do you need a punctuation check? Well if you do I’m here to help. First, I’ll tell you what it would be like if there was no punctuation. Then, once you’re interested, you can read how the world would be chaos without it. This essay is full of scrumptious detail you’ve been waiting for.

What do you think the world would be like if there was no such thing as punctuation? Let me give you a hint. There would be never-ending sentences, nothing exiting, or very amusing phrases! Conversations would put people to sleep. Zzzzzzzzzz...

I think if there was no punctuation the world would be chaos! Life without periods, commas or question marks would have conversations without end. Also, you wouldn’t even be able to get a word in a conversation, because nobody would stop talking. Imagine that!

I think you’ve seen all the reasons why we need punctuation, so I hope you’ve learned why we should use correct punctuation. Remember, the world needs punctuation to survive.

— Austin


Did you know that if there was no punctuation then a story would not make any sense? The importance of the punctuation mark is what I am writing. If I was reading a story without any punctuation it would not make sense.

The sentence you are reading now would not sound right because there would be no hesitation then you will have to think about what you are reading and that will take too long if you are being timed

Also if I was reading a story with no exclamation marks things that should sound exiting will sound dull. If I was going to say “wow good job” It would sound better if I wrote “Wow, good job!” I think that sounds more exiting because of the exclamation mark at the end.

We need hyphens because if we are not finished writing a word and we run out of room on one line, we can hyphenate it. Then it would look more like one word. Shopping at Wal-mart with no hyphen would be walmart.

That is why we have to use punctuation, if we don’t we may have a hard time writing notes to friends.

— Bailey, age 11

Why do I have to use Punctuation?

“If we didn’t have punctuation, sentences would go on and on without expression. A paper like that would put me to sleep.”

Punctuation is important in writing for three reasons. First, it clarifies the meaning of a sentence and makes it more understandable. Second, it makes reading easier. Third, it allows a writer to express her personality.

When we use punctuation, it helps the reader know the meaning of the sentence. It clarifies, by separating one subject and predicate from another. I found a sign in the October 2007 Readers Digest, “Kids eat free clowns every Wednesday” that has a different meaning than, “Kids eat free, clowns every Wednesday.”

Punctuation makes reading easier by letting me know when to pause, stop, or use expression. It also helps make reading easier by letting me know when and how a character is speaking. For example, quotation marks separate ideas expressed by the narrator. Question marks, periods, and commas control the flow of the writing.

It also gives personality to a paper and makes it sound less boring. If we didn’t have punctuation, sentences would go on and on without expression. A paper like that would put me to sleep. By using exclamation points, ellipses, and hyphens an author illustrates emotion. For example, “Stop! Don’t step in the-sorry; I guess it’s to late. You stepped right in it...”

For all these reasons punctuation is important in a paper: for clarification and understanding, easier reading, and personality. That’s why I love punctuation.

— Carolina, age 11

Is Punctuation Really Important?

Do you think punctuation is important? Well I certainly do and here are some reasons why I believe it is so important.

The first reason punctuation is important is that if we didn’t have punctuation the written word would be read as if a person was babbling. It would be extremely stressful and confusing to even read a statement that does not include punctuation. Everyone would stop reading.

The second reason I believe that punctuation is important is that if I have very good punctuation, I would have a very high grade in Language Arts. If I have a high grade in Language Arts, I think I’d be able to go to a wonderful college! I hope I get a high grade...

That last reason punctuation is crucial is that if punctuation wasn’t used we wouldn’t take rules and laws seriously. I like that we have punctuation because if we didn’t, a lot of bad things (that I don’t want to even imagine) would happen.

All and all having punctuation is Great!!!!!!!

— Christian, age 12

The Smart Signs of Punctuation

Isn’t punctuation important? All punctuation is important for various reasons. One reason punctuation is important is so our reading, writing and speaking is not so confusing. Second, passages look smarter with punctuation than without it.

First, passages are not confusing with all the correct punctuation in its proper place. One time I got an absurd letter in the mail from my friend about a fish. The letter did not have one punctuation mark and reading it was confusing! All that I ask is that we use punctuation every time and everywhere it is needed.

Next, most people feel smart putting a comma or period in a sentence. We know that every one feels smart when they use punctuation correctly.

In conclusion punctuation will change the way you read, write and maybe see. I bet you feel smart just reading this essay. Punctuation is important everywhere.

— Cory, age 11


“Exclamation points gives my writing excitement! Nobody likes reading something boring, so I put more exclamation points into my writing!!!”

Are you a punctuation freak? I learned that one man, Jeff Rubin, created a web site just for punctuation marks. I bet he loves punctuation! Through his web site I have realized why punctuation is so important. One of the most important punctuation marks is the period. If I’m reading something I would just keep reading until the next punctuation mark. Here is an example:

One day, I was eating lunch and reading a book my mom told me to clean my room so I finished eating.

Did you run out of breath when you read that sentence? Periods indicate the end of a sentence and give you a chance to catch your breath.

Exclamation points gives my writing excitement! Nobody likes reading something boring, so I put more exclamation points into my writing!!! Think of a book you have most recently read. Did it have something exciting about it? If so, then it was either interesting to you or it had some exclamation points in it. A lot of advertisements have exclamation points in them. Newspapers have a lot of exclamation points in them even though reading the newspaper is rarely exciting.

Now I have shown you the importance of periods and exclamation points. I know you didn’t get bored!

— Damion, age 12

Why Punctuation Marks Are Important

I believe that punctuation marks are important because they give everyone a better understanding of how the sentences are suppose to be read. I’ll define some punctuation marks and explain why they are important in a sentence.

The period is the most common of all punctuation marks. It is important because it is used at the end of a sentence to complete it. Imagine if this essay had no periods in it. I don’t know about you, but I know that I would get confused.

The comma is important because it is used to signal a pause or combine two short sentences into one.

The semicolon can be important because it can join parts of a compound sentence. For example when a conjunction such as AND, BUT or OR is not used. A semicolon is also able to take its place.

A quotation mark is probably one of the most important punctuation marks because these marks are used before and after a direct quotation.

The apostrophe is very important because it shows possession and points out missing letters in a contraction.

The hyphen is an important punctuation mark because it divides a word between syllables and joins the parts of compound words.

After reading a bit about some of the more common punctuation marks I’ll finish with a short paragraph that does not have any punctuation marks. Try to figure out where the punctuation marks are missing.

On Monday Tom couldn’t go to school because he was sick So his friend David had to tell Tom what they did in class today David didn’t tell Tom about the party they had in class because he didn’t want Tom to feel left out The next day Tom was feeling much better and he went to school He never did find out about the party.

— Desiree, age 11

Period Problems

Go punctuation! Punctuation is important for many reasons. I think the period is the most important punctuation mark.

First, periods are important because they tell us when to stop reading a sentence. Once in fourth grade, in Mrs. Catalani’s class, she gave us an assignment to grade some essays. The essay I had to grade had no periods, so it was very confusing. Also most people take a breathe after reading a sentence, so that made it even worse. Everyone who read that essay was more than likely to be left breathless.

Also periods help abbreviate words that are long and hard to write like etc. Reading can get extremely confusing without them. I think it’s great that we can abbreviate.

Two reasons periods are important are the fact we use them to end our sentences and also to abbreviate words.

— Devon, age 11


“...if people want to look smart, educated, and pure brilliant then we should use the right punctuation!”

Have you ever thought why punctuation is important?

Well I haven’t either until this year, but now I get it and I’m ready to share my new-found appreciation for punctuation with you.

Punctuation is very important. If someone didn’t use punctuation then how would we know if the sentence was dull, exciting, or a question? If I were someone reading this essay I would be thinking, oh my gosh how boring! Seriously, if you’re riding by a sign that said “Bud’s cereal industry” it would be perfectly fine. However, I’ve seen that exact sign and it looked like this, “buds’ industry cereal.” First, Bud needs to be capitalized; then the apostrophe makes it look like more than one Bud. Last, industry needs to be spelled correctly. It is obvious why it’s important to use the correct punctuation. Basically if punctuation marks are improperly placed then people may look unintelligent.

In conclusion, if people want to look smart, educated, and pure brilliant then we should use the right punctuation! I promise when the president sends us an award for being the people who always uses the correct punctuation then we won’t regret it!

— Emily, age 12

Importance of Punctuation

Punctuation is important for all writing and typing. Some punctuation marks such as a period, question mark, and exclamation marks set the mood or tone of the sentence. Another punctuation mark like the semicolon or the comma, shows a small pause in each sentence. Those are two out of all the punctuation marks I think are most important. The period and the exclamation mark. Let me explain why.

Starting with the period, if I leave this mark off at the end of each sentence, the sentence will go on and on and it turns out to be like a long paragraph. The sentence sets off a mood like a statement. When writing or typing, I want to make sure that I have the proper punctuation. For example, sometimes people misuse the exclamation mark. They put it in when they don’t need it. This mark is to show excitement, strength, or command! Once, I received a letter that did not have any end marks. In the letter, there was a very sad and depressing part and she put three exclamation marks after it so, it sounded like she was happy but then also sad. It still doesn’t make sense to me.

Punctuation is important for writing and typing. Hopefully, the next time I am writing or typing, I can use punctuation marks properly, so that the person reading it understands me!

— Izah

Punctuation importance

I think punctuation is important in life because we use it everyday. We use punctuation when writing sentences for all types of jobs. Punctuation helps readers understand what they are reading.

Some punctuation include periods, commas, colons, exclamation points, semicolons, and question marks. For example, when asking a question I use a question mark at the end of a sentence.

Store signs need proper punctuation so customers can understand what the companies are trying to say. We use punctuation in life everyday. What do you think about punctuation? This is my essay about punctuation.

— Jacob J., age 12

National Punctuation Day is the best

“We explored a lot of the activities on punctuation. One of them was to try and make a punctuation mark out of meatloaf. The cool thing was that somebody actually did it.”

Hi! My name is Jacob W. and I am in 6th grade at Jim Bailey Middle School in Pensacola, FL. I am not the best at punctuation, but I love the National Punctuation Day website. Our language arts teacher, Mrs. McVay, showed us your website. The class’s favorite thing on National Punctuation Day was the punctuation song. We liked the songs because the music and lyrics were funny.

We explored a lot of the activities on punctuation. One of them was to try and make a punctuation mark out of meatloaf. The cool thing was that somebody actually did it. The other activity was to do an essay about punctuation, that’s what this is. We are excited about writing the essay because it may be posted on your website.

The last thing I’d like to mention are the signs you posted with improper punctuation. I thought they were very funny. Our teacher told us to try and find some messed up signs. So, I will keep my eyes open and my family is helping too. I will send them to you if I ever find any.

— Jacob W., age 11

The way to use punctuation

Punctuation is a very important part of English to have and use. There are many types of punctuation, and they all do different things. I will tell you about two different punctuation marks, the question mark and the hyphen.

The question mark is the mark at the end of a question. If I did not put the question mark at the end of a question then it would not be a question. When I ask a question it won’t sound right.

The hyphen is usually used in names of two digit numbers like twenty-two or forty-eight. I have made many mistakes with the hyphen so be very careful.

— Jake, age 11

Period punctuation

Punctuation is important because if I didn’t use punctuation my sentences will go on and on and on. I would get bad grades and my family and friends will think I have a problem. Another reason why punctuation is important is important is if I write something like a book or a letter the person reading the book or letter will think I did not learn anything in school. They will think I am not learning because I didn’t write correctly.

One day I got a letter from my friend. In the letter she didn’t use a single period. I thought she was being funny. So I sent a letter back to her with no periods and she thought I had a problem. So as you can tell if we don’t use punctuation people will think we have a problem.

Another reason why punctuation is important is if I read books and there’s a period where it’s not suppose to be I normally would get confused. When an apostrophe is not where it’s not supposed to be I get confused. When I get confused I feel like I have a problem.

That is why punctuation is important!

— Jenna, age 11

Punctuation is as Important as your LIFE

“Punctuation marks are those weird looking shapes found in books. They are more than shapes!”

Punctuation marks are those weird looking shapes found in books. They are more than shapes! Businesses use them, I use them, your teachers use them, and you should use them too. if it wasn’t for punctuation everyone would be babbling idiots when they’re writing a note.

When I was younger, my mom would read my homework and then say, “This thing doesn’t have punctuation marks, it sounds like you when you eat things with sugar in it”. Punctuation makes things understandable, and makes me sound smart.

— Jessica, age 11

Punctuation importance

Punctuation marks are very important. Allow me to list you three reasons why.

First, punctuation marks are important because, if I put the punctuation in the wrong place, teachers will not understand what I am writing. In other words, they will deduct points off my grade. If I put the punctuation in the wrong place it messes up my whole paper. If I put the punctuation in the right place, my paper will be a whole lot better. When teachers find my writing easy to read I might earn an easy “A.”

Another reason why punctuation marks are important is, if I put the wrong punctuation down, my paper will be confusing. Teachers will just mark that off all day. Or, the mean teachers will just sit there and yell at you. That has happened to me. If I put the punctuation in the right place, teachers will jump for joy.

The final reason why punctuation marks are important is, if I forget to put the punctuation down, it will look like my sentence will keep on going. And trust me, that’s not good. It will ruin the sentence. It will make the reader’s mind twist. If you don’t forget to put the punctuation down, there is one less mistake on my essay.

— Mark, age 12

So you think you can use punctuation?

“We need to learn as much as we can about punctuation, so when we write we appear smart.”

Punctuation, everyone uses it, but how well do we use and know it? Well, most people don’t use punctuation correctly.

People like feeling smart. We need to learn as much as we can about punctuation, so when we write we appear smart. Just recently in my seventh period class, we learned about this rarely celebrated holiday called National Punctuation Day. It’s a day especially for punctuation! Learning about this rarely celebrated holiday helped me realize the importance of punctuation. I’d like to share what I’ve learned by showing examples of proper and improper punctuation.

First, I’ll show you a paragraph that uses correct punctuation.

Hi, my name is Rachel. I am eleven years old. I am also in sixth grade. When I grow up I want to be a scientist. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Now, I’ll show you a paragraph that does not use proper punctuation.

Hi... my name is Rachel! I am eleven years old .I am in the sixth grade. When I grow up I want to be a scientist, what do you want to be when you grow up.

Now I have showed you examples of proper and improper punctuation. Hopefully you now understand more about punctuation.

— Rachel, age 12

Reality Of Punctuation

Have you ever pondered the importance of punctuation? I haven’t until Mrs. McVay taught me.

The comma is an important punctuation mark because it is supposed to separate certain words within a sentence when a conjunction is used. A comma is also used to separate words in a list. For example on my mom’s grocery list I would say: My mom went to the grocery store to buy eggs, milk, and flour to bake a cake. These are some reasons why the comma is important. Now, let me move on to another punctuation mark!

Another important punctuation mark is the period. It can be used for many, many things. One of the most important uses for the period is to put one after every sentence. When I was in kindergarten I forgot to put periods after my sentences, so I had bad writing grades that year. Another use of the period is when we abbreviate words: Dr., Mrs., Etc. Well guess that just about sums it up for the period!

This is the importance of punctuation.

— Ryan, age 12

Punctuation tips

Why is punctuation so important? Well let’s put it this way, I use punctuation all the time and it counts for all grades.

Punctuation is important because if I don’t have punctuation you can’t read what I have written. One time I saw a sign that said, “Need a shirt Come to Bob’s shirts.” I can’t believe the sign didn’t have punctuation, it is so important to use proper punctuation in public.

Punctuation is also important because it is counted for most of your our school grades. Grades are counted on my report card. If I don’t use punctuation correctly, I can’t get a good grade. I don’t want to know what would happen if I got a bad grade because I didn’t use punctuation. It is so important to use proper punctuation in personal use.

Punctuation is so important because I use it all the time. When writing a sentence in any subject at school, punctuation counts for a grade. This is why punctuation is important.

— Samantha, age 11

Why Punctuation is Important to me!

“Punctuation is more than just a dot at the end of every sentence, punctuation has meaning. Like mom’s home made pie (well, maybe not that important).”

Punctuation is very important, especially when I’m writing. Punctuation is more than just a dot at the end of every sentence, punctuation has meaning. Like mom’s home made pie (well, maybe not that important). Punctuation is a dot or squiggly line with a dot under it, sure, but it also means it’s the end of a sentence. If I didn’t have punctuation my sentence would just go on and on.

I’m going to give you an example.

If I don’t use a punctuation mark my sentence would never end and I’m sure you’ll get tired of reading this incredibly long sentence especially if I didn’t use a punctuation mark this is called a run-on sentence where there is no end to the sentence and I’m sure you’re running out of breath so I’m going to end my run-on sentence.

See my point? Punctuation is very importune to me!

Punctuation also helps spice up my sentences, when I use the exclamation point! See I could have used a period, but I wanted to add some, you know...BAM!!!

In conclusion punctuation is very important to me. Punctuation is important to good writing. We should all be thankful for the ordinary end mark because it brings our reading to an end.

— Shelby, age 11

Punctuation Help?

“Sometimes punctuation can be a drag, because I wouldn’t know when to stop or when someone speaks. Punctuation puts life into whatever is written and always will!”

Have you ever messed up on punctuation like I have? Well I learned my lesson and I hope my experience will help you too.

Punctuation plays an important role in our lives. If I mess up on punctuation it’s ok, but I learned my lesson. All people should know how to end a sentence: with a period, question mark, or an exclamation mark. My favorite punctuation mark is the quotation mark, besides it is the most common mark. The quotation mark is used to let people know that someone is talking. If that’s your favorite you have good taste in punctuation marks!

Some other punctuation marks are question marks and exclamation marks. The exclamation mark is a mark that is used when expressing excitement, anger, or maybe when the person is screaming! Here’s two examples: “Mallissa Nicole, come down here this instant!” Or you can use it this way: “Wow, your hair is so lush and wavy!” These marks are one of my least favorite marks, because I use those all the time!

Sometimes punctuation can be a drag, because I wouldn’t know when to stop or when someone speaks. Punctuation puts life into whatever is written and always will!

— Tiara, age 11

Exclamation mark!

Punctuation marks are very important, because if I didn’t use punctuation marks my writing would be hard to read. If I didn’t use punctuation marks in my writing I would probably seem dumb.

First, I wouldn’t be able to write well if I didn’t use punctuation marks. Then I probably wouldn’t be able to pass any of my grades. Second, I wouldn’t really be able to use my cell phone or computer to text message, send letters and email. Who ever invented punctuation marks was probably very smart.

I for one am very happy that we have punctuation marks, because if we didn’t I would probably be dumb.

This is why I am happy we have punctuation marks. GO PUNCTUATION MARKS!

— Victor, age 12

Contact Jeff Rubin for more information about punctuation
(510) 724-9507